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    Error Code: 2813-6561


    You are unable to redeem a download code, and you receive the error code 2813-6561.

    Additional Information:

    In most cases, this error indicates that the Nintendo eShop Card or download code was entered incorrectly, that it was intended to be redeemed in a different region's Nintendo eShop or that it was intended to be redeemed directly within a game.

    What to Do:

    1. Attempt to enter the code again, ensuring you have entered the code exactly as it appears.
    2. If the error persists, then it is likely the code may be intended for a different region. You can take the following actions to ensure the code is intended for Europe.
      • If the code was included with a physical game purchase, check packaging for PEGI or USK rating. Games with an PEGI or USK rating are intended for sale in Europe.
      • Check the retailer you purchased the code from and ensure that they are located within Europe.
      • Contact the retailer and ask which region the code is intended for.
      • If you have confirmed it is intended for use in Europe, it's possible that the download code is intended to be redeemed directly within a game and cannot be redeemed through Nintendo eShop. Check the packaging, card or receipt that included the download code for instructions on how to redeem the code.

    Situation Not Resolved:

    If the issue persists, it is possible that there is an error with the code.
    Please contact us for support.

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